Medición del grado de Conocimiento sobre las Obligaciones de tributación en operaciones con criptomonedas en el IRPF y en el IP: una evidencia y una preocupación

  1. Náñez Alonso, Sergio
  2. Hernández Sánchez, Álvaro
  3. Aldeia, Susana 1
  1. 1 Universidade Portucalense

    Universidade Portucalense

    Oporto, Portugal


Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León

ISSN: 2254-3805

Any de publicació: 2024

Pàgines: 137-167

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León


The article highlights the tax complexity surrounding cryptocurrency transactions due to the lack of uniform regulation, generating uncertainty for taxpayers and tax authorities. After determining the tax obligations of individuals in the IRPF, IP and ISD, through the most recent consultations of the General Directorate of Taxes; a survey has been executed to determine the degree of knowledge and compliance with tax obligations related to cryptocurrencies in the IRPF and IP. The survey in which 103 people participated reveals the confusion and errors that predominate in the perceptions about the tax obligations of cryptocurrencies, especially in operations such as swapping and staking in the IRPF. Almost half of the respondents (49.5 %) have not declared any of their operations with cryptocurrencies, the vast majority of respondents (66 %) consider that the regulation of cryptocurrencies in Spain is confusing and difficult to understand. In addition, 41.7 % consider that tax regulation discourages investment in cryptocurrencies. 87.4 % believe that the AEAT should provide more information and resources on the taxation of cryptocurrencies and digital assets

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