Diseño mecánico y verificación empírica de un sistema de canalización aerodinámico que mejora la eficiencia energética en automoción

  1. Fernández Gutiérrez, Jana
Dirigée par:
  1. Diego Vergara Rodríguez Directeur/trice
  2. José A. Orosa Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 15 septembre 2023

  1. Alba Martínez López President
  2. María Isabel Lamas Galdo Secrétaire
  3. Pablo Fernández Arias Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 819881 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The airflow in automobiles generates high resistance in the advance of vehicles and the objective of the present invention is to take advantage of the force of the air itself to help propel the vehicles and thus reduce fuel consumption. An aerodynamic channelling system has been designed, based on a deflector that collects the air that impacts the vehicle at the front, transferring it to the rear where it is expelled, allowing the vacuum area to be filled, since the channelled air reaches higher pressures that are repositioned, significantly increasing the values of the pressures. The channelling system has been built, which has been incorporated into a car model and comparative empirical tests have been carried out in a wind tunnel also built for this purpose, verifying that the vacuum is eliminated in the rear area of the vehicle and even obtain positive pressures, achieving a performance of 3.3% at a speed of 76 km/h. Likewise, energy optimization is verified through computational fluid mechanics simulations. In addition, the analysis of technical, economic and social feasibility is positive, allowing us to conclude that the deflector system devised improves the aerodynamics of the vehicles and decreases fuel consumption.