La aportación de las redes sociales en el ámbito educativo y su contribución al progreso de los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible (ODS)

  1. Arturo Mancebo García 1
  1. 1 Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila

    Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila

    Ávila, España


Digitalización de empresas y economía: tendencias actuales
  1. Nañez Alonso, Sergio Luis (coord.)
  2. Reier Forradellas, Ricardo Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-1122-623-3

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 385-399

Type: Book chapter


Social media have changed the way people relate to each other since their global implementation. Although they were born in 1997 with the pioneering "Six Degrees", they are considered to have been present since the boom of Facebook from its creation in 2004, as well as Youtube in 2005. Since then, the growth of users, as the knowledge of these have transformed the form of communication in all areas, especially those of friendships, work and education. In this review, two main objectives are pursued: - To define the conceptual framework, where the concepts to be dealt with will be established and what each of the main social networks used in the educational field consists of. - To analyse the positive impact of this implementation and the contribution it makes to the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the UN.The main social media networks that are accessible and free for everyone to use in education ("mainstream" networks) covered in this review are Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tik Tok and others of a purely communicative nature such as Whatsapp or Telegram. As a result of these new forms of communication, new actors and technological figures have emerged, such as applications for mobile devices, tablets, computers and even smart watches (native APPs that include each of the social networks), as well as collaborative applications that are clear examples of circular economy 2.0 (Too Good To Go, ¿Tienes Sal?, Next Door, Wallapop, Vinted...). Thanks to these tools, new professions and role models are also emerging, such as "influencers", "tiktokers", "youtubers", "streamers"... nowadays considered focal points and communication leaders, in many cases, role models for a large part of the population. It can be concluded that all these new forms of communication, cooperation and participation are a source of CSR for companies and institutions, due to the positive impact they generate in several of the 17 SDG, mainly in the following and in order of importance: 4- Quality education. 5- Gender equality. 8- Decent work and economic growth. 10- Reduction of inequalities. 11- Sustainable cities and communities. 3- Health and well-being. 16- Peace, justice, and strong institutions. 17- Partnerships to achieve the goals.