"Cuando amaban las tierras comuneras"las mujeres y el patriarcado

  1. Jorge García Izquierdo
Nuevas perspectivas literarias y culturales (I CIJIELC)
  1. R. Hernández Arias (ed. lit.)
  2. G. Rivera Rodríguez (ed. lit.)
  3. D. Pérez Álvarez (ed. lit.)

Éditorial: Universidade de Vigo

ISBN: 978-84-608-6759-3

Année de publication: 2016

Pages: 335-345

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


The following article proposes a gener interpretation on the novel "Cuando amaban las tierras comuneras", by Pedro Mir, regardin the status of his novel as "Novela de la patria", trying to point out the main problems in the country. It show the need for a feminist analysis of the work. In the text the patriarchy appears in different types of spaces and different types of violencej are outlined to women that, in this case, Romanita suffered mostly: reification of the women, the sexual division of work or the patriarchy exile that the character of Romanita suffered at the novel, because women suffer the hardest exile. Also the distribution of cares at the circles domestic is clearly patriarchy at the plot, as well as the union of the institutional with patriarchy represented by the charachter of the public health inspector, who carries an evident street harassment to the character of Romanita at the capital, in a public space. However, the historic chronicle that is the only novel of Pedro Mir show to us to, the readers, that the situation of the women in the Dominican Republican improved after years, like the cases of the next women to Romanita, Suzy and Urbana, who broke with the sexual division of work with a work like teacher of school.