Promoción de la lactancia materna en el contexto de pandemia por covid-19. Intervención educativa desde la atención primaria al cuidador informal de la embarazada, estudio de parámetros nutricionales y prolactina

  1. López García, Eva Pilar
Supervised by:
  1. Mercedes Sánchez Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad CEU San Pablo

Fecha de defensa: 15 January 2024

  1. Tomás Chivato Pérez Chair
  2. Vanesa Escudero Ortiz Secretary
  3. Rosario Pastor Martín Committee member

Type: Thesis


In the study of the thesis, within the experience of caring for a pregnant/postpartum woman, it has been possible to establish the important impact on the daily life of the informal caregiver in acquiring determinations about their health status, supporting the idea that The well-being of the pregnant woman and newborn is directly in the hands of the caregiver, this being an essential component of the family structure, being capable of connecting the emotional and affective sphere of all members, since the caregiver has an indisputable health-social role. In view of the results obtained in this study, the need to implement a specific health education program with the inclusion of the informal caregiver is evident, under the prism of comprehensive health strategies; By carrying out effective interventions aimed at health promotion, these programs, implemented by multidisciplinary teams, can help improve the quality of life of patients. The study addressed in this doctoral thesis projects a solution to the current problem of low breastfeeding rates, improving the quality of life of women, children and society, in addition to reducing the cost of health care