A la educación online le sienta bien la crisis. Cambio de enfoque educativola crisis y la influencia en la innovación en educación universitaria

  1. Gómez Vallecillo, Ana Isabel
  2. Martín Herráez, Fernando
  3. Muñoz Prieto, María de la Paz
Economía y libertad: la Gran Recesión y sus salidas
  1. Enciso de Yzaguirre, Vicente (coord.)
  2. Sanz-Bas, David (coord.)
  3. Nogales Naharro, María de los Ángeles

Publisher: Universidad Católica de Avila

ISBN: 978-84-15300-08-3

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 830-848

Congress: Congreso de Economía y Libertad (1. 2012. Avila)

Type: Conference paper


The question we asked ourselves when starting this study was: does the current economic crisis have anything to do with the boom in online education and the university world? The affirmative answer seemed obvious but we wanted to investigate further. This was the reason why we have sought different sources of information on the subject to enable us to confirm or not the relationship between the crisis and the online education. First we have tried to clarify some concepts, then we have studied the confluence of global changes which have favored the boom in online education, and finally we have collected the opinion of the three key players: business and economic analysts, three universities which offer online education and the students themselves. In this latter case the information was obtained through an online survey that students have answered voluntarily.