En el corazón de la economía, el genio femenino

  1. Chivite-Cebolla, Mª Peana 1
  2. Jorge-Vázquez, Javier 1
  1. 1 Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila

    Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila

    Ávila, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05wa62164

Cuadernos de pensamiento
  1. Cid Vázquez, María Teresa (coord.)
  2. Pro Velasco, María Luisa (coord.)

ISSN: 0214-0284 2660-6070

Année de publication: 2021

Titre de la publication: Número monográfico sobre mujer y cambio social

Número: 34

Pages: 109-144

Type: Article

DOI: 10.51743/CPE.214 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Cuadernos de pensamiento

Objectifs de Développement Durable


The subject of women has been the object of study from many perspectives, but in this work it is proposed to study the role of women from two perspectives. On the one hand, the influence of it at a general level in the economy will be reviewed, as a student, researcher or professional in this branch, and on the other, particularly in the family economy. Thus, while in the first there will be a bias in favor of the man, in the second it will be in favor of the woman.

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