Consideración de la dinámica espacio-temporal para la definición de actuaciones defensivas contra la erosión

  1. Gómez Jiménez, Inmaculada
  2. Romero Calcerrada, Raúl
  3. Beneitez López, José Manuel
Geofocus: Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica

ISSN: 1578-5157

Year of publication: 2007

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Geofocus: Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica


Soil erosion is an environmental problem which implies a great effort in land management and planning. Erosion was quantified by means of SWAT analysis. Soil erosion was assessed, considering land cover changes in the period ranging from 1984 to 1999. Reliance between erosion and climatic inter-annual changes was removed for improving spatial and temporal comparisons using two different scenarios (Dry and Wet). We obtained nine erosion maps (one for each Landsat image year of capture, and six maps for each of the wet and dry scenarios) and nine sustainability erosion maps. Temporal and spatial comparisons were performed observing a slight improvement in the erosion process related to land use change. The Methodology allows to reduce environmental cost and to prioritise action within erosion unsustainable areas using Geographic Information Technologies.

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