Desarrollo económico versus protección del medio ambientemantenimiento del equilibrio entre esas dos variables

  1. Núñez Jiménez, José Manuel
Economía y libertad: la Gran Recesión y sus salidas
  1. Enciso de Yzaguirre, Vicente (coord.)
  2. Sanz-Bas, David (coord.)
  3. Nogales Naharro, María de los Ángeles

Publisher: Universidad Católica de Avila

ISBN: 978-84-15300-08-3

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 582-604

Congress: Congreso de Economía y Libertad (1. 2012. Avila)

Type: Conference paper


The environment is one of the most affected by the financial crisis as economic prosperity seems to now prevail over environmental issues. Analysing the changes in recent years, we can notice how the issue in mention is favouring economic grow over environmental issues even though Europe´s political economic polices appear to take into account sustainability. This disequilibrium has translated into legal amendments resulting in weaker controls to suit and favour entrepreneurial activities and therefore economic prosperity. This communication will seek to evaluate controls and activities weakened or indeed suppressed at council level in all Spanish municipalities. This evaluation will focus on identifying if these were indeed unnecessary bureaucratic requirements or inefficient controls which might impact negatively economic development or if the lack / amendment of these might have a negative impact on the environment of those municipalities.