Identificación de los factores que influyen en las relaciones sexuales de riesgo en jóvenes
- José María Martínez Marín 1
- Celia Polo Gallego 1
Universidad de Extremadura
ISSN: 1698-9007
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakia: 33
Orrialdeak: 447-459
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RES : Revista de Educación Social
This study aims to know the factors that could be related to the performance or not of risky sexual behaviors in students of the Degree in Social Education of the University of Extremadura de Cáceres, with the purpose of generating knowledge that facilitates the adaptation of programs of effective sexuality education with this population. A descriptive and transectional investigation has been carried out, the purpose of which has been to explore the possible relationships between the different variables and events of the sexual behavior of young people in relation to the sexual education received. For this, a questionnaire on knowledge of responsible sexuality in young people was adapted and validated. The results show the need for an urgent improvement in education on sexuality, sexual relationships and the risk assumed by the consumption of alcohol and psychoactive substances in young people by socialization agents and the relevance of a multidisciplinary social educational intervention with the purpose of preventing risky sexual practices in the population studied.