Metodología para la creación de un Xiloteca virtual desde la generación tridimensional de modelos texturizados

  1. Fernando Herraez
  2. Manuel Rodríguez Martín
  3. Javier Gutiérrez Velayos
Nuevos enfoques en la Innovación Docente Universitaria: III TeLe(In)2 Conference proceedings

Argitaletxea: Universidad de León

ISBN: 978-84-697-6817-4

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Orrialdeak: 53-58

Biltzarra: TeLe(In)2 (3. 2017. León)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


The present work offers a methodological proposal for a three - dimensional reconstruction with scanned texture of high resolution applied to a wood and board collection. In this way a virtual laboratory (VL) is developed and applied to the area of forestry engineering to respond to a real didactic need, offering the students the collection of wood and board samples which currently has the University. The virtual wood and board collection has all the advantages of virtual laboratories (VL), overcoming the disadvantages caused by the direct manipulation of samples which causes their deterioration. In addition, the procedure used for three-dimensional reconstruction can be considered low cost, as long as the tools used for its development are based on initiatives and free software or are present in most engineering schools. The generated models can be delivered in complete work packages to integrate the own laboratory knowledge in the distance programs of the forestry, agricultural and industrial studies